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Monster Energy

Monster Energy, drink of choice among skatepunks, junior-high idiots, and neer-do-wells. A can of Monster looks equally at home in the hand of some BMX tool or in the hand of some future highschool dropout leaning against their crappy car in some parking lot. While they are all that, and overrated; that's not to say that they don't know how to make a successful product. With multiple lines of energy beverages, Monster is definitely one of the kings of the energy world. Shame...

Energy Drink

Size: 16oz can
Location Acquired: Pump 'n' Pantry, Nicholson, PA
Location in Collection: The City
Taste Rating: 4/10
Energy Rating: 3/10
I'm not sure what they were going for with's the usual Monster...flavor..., but when you swallow you get a hit of stale cola or something. Even as Monster goes, this isn't the best. Energy is mostly a sugar rush, not much.

Heavy Metal
Size: 32oz can
Location Acquired: Pump 'n' Pantry, Nicholson, PA
Location in Collection: The City
Taste Rating: 6/10
Energy Rating: 4/10
This is the largest can I've ever seen; at 32oz, it's practically a small keg. Special for this large can, Monster whipped up a new flavor; it's unique, if anything. It's the first, and only, of their drinks that isn't based on their usual self-important flavor. This is some variation on green apple; but the flavor is so complex it doesn't even know what's going on. Energy is a big sugar rush and moderate caffeine rush from the huge size of the can.

Size: 18.6oz resealable can
Location Acquired: Convenience store, Great Bend, PA
Location in Collection: The City
Taste Rating: 4/10
Energy Rating: 3/10
This drink comes in a unique resealable tall can; other than that, it's mostly gimmicks. I had known about it for a while before I found it; and I would have walked right past it if my girlfriend hadn't pointed it out to me. The taste is the usual Monster, but they took some sugar out (thank god); the problem is, they replaced it with a sickening sucralose aftertaste which makes their base flavor even worse than it already was. Energy was ok, not alot.

Size: 16oz can
Location Acquired: Pump 'n' Pantry, Nicholson, PA
Location in Collection: The City
Taste Rating: 8/10
Energy Rating: 3/10
This one is a 50% juice model of Monster; the fruit flavor covers up that insistent Monster syrup flavor enough to make it enjoyable. While it's still not the most refreshing thing on the planet, it's not bad to drink. Flavor is an orange mango. Energy is sugarrushish and eh.

Size: 16oz can
Location Acquired: Pump 'n' Pantry, Montrose, PA
Location in Collection: The City
Taste Rating: 3/10
Energy Rating: 3/10
The flavor is Monster's original abomination; without the sugar. Gross. Energy isn't much.

Size: 16oz can
Location Acquired: Pump 'n' Pantry, Nicholson, PA
Location in Collection: The City
Taste Rating: 9/10
Energy Rating: 3/10
This one is 80% juice; which means only 20% of the drink is Monster's usual flavor strutting around in your mouth. Still doesn't reach refreshing, but this one is mighty tasty; the flavor is a more tropical version of Khaos, it has some pineapple and passionfruit elements thrown in. Energy isn't alot, sugar, okish.

Size: 16oz can
Location Acquired: Lockhart's, South Montrose, PA
Location in Collection: The City
Taste Rating: 6/10
Energy Rating: 3/10
Another more recent juice-infused entry; this flavor doesn't know what's going on, although it's a little more coherent than Heavy Metal. It's a dark, "purple" flavor consisting of pretty much every fruit you can think of mashed up together with some dirt. Far from refreshing, the taste is still ok. Energy's eh.

Size: 16oz can
Location Acquired: Pump 'n' Pantry, Nicholson, PA
Location in Collection: The City
Taste Rating: 4/10
Energy Rating: 3/10
This drink is possibly the most overrated thing in the world of energy. This is a syrupy, over-sugared, taste that is like Red Bull's retarded cousin. Everyone raves about it; I find it revolting. Energy is eh.

This is Monster's entry into the energy shot market; self-assured as always, they slowly rolled these out (starting with one flavor only) months after Nos and Rockstar had been cranking out their energy shots. They are now up to three flavors; all three are shot versions of one of their drink flavors.

Size: 3oz bottle
Location Acquired: Flying J, Lamar, PA
Location in Collection: The City
Taste Rating: 3/10
Energy Rating: 2/10
This is the shot version of Monster Lo-Carb; it has all the same problems. Energy was eh, not alot.

Size: 3oz bottle
Location Acquired: Pump 'n' Pantry, Nicholson, PA
Location in Collection: The City
Taste Rating: 4/10
Energy Rating: 2/10
Shot version of regular Monster. Eh. Energy, eh.

Size: 3oz bottle
Location Acquired: Convenience store, Wilkes-Barre, PA
Location in Collection: The City
Taste Rating: 3/10
Energy Rating: 2/10
Shot version of Assault; same weird flavor. I'm waiting for the fruity flavors. Energy, eh.


Big Black
Size: 15oz can
Location Acquired: Pump 'n' Pantry, Nicholson, PA
Location in Collection: The City
Taste Rating: 6/10
Energy Rating: 3/10
This isn't really black coffee; it's just a canned latte. Taste is pretty good; smooth coffee. Energy is ok. Later renamed Originale, in lieu of the suggestive Big Black.

Chai Hai
Size: 15oz can
Location Acquired: Convenience store, Endicott, NY
Location in Collection: The City
Taste Rating: 8/10
Energy Rating: 3/10
The only non-coffee entry; this is a delicious chai tea. I love a good chai latte, and this hits the spot. Energy is ok.

Irish Blend
Size: 15oz can
Location Acquired: Robinson's Southtown Market, South Montrose, PA
Location in Collection: The City
Taste Rating: 5/10
Energy Rating: 3/10
This is one of two Javas flavored as if the coffee had some liqueur in it. This is the worse of the two, coming out with a thin, paint-like flavor. Energy is ok.

Size: 15oz can
Location Acquired: Sunoco, Great Bend, PA
Location in Collection: The City
Taste Rating: 4/10
Energy Rating: 3/10
This is your basic light latte. Not bad, but the lack of sugar cuts the bottom out of the flavor. Energy is ok.

Loca Moca
Size: 15oz can
Location Acquired: Dalton Convenience, Dalton, PA
Location in Collection: The City
Taste Rating: 7/10
Energy Rating: 3/10
Average latte with a barely detectable chocolate undertone. Tasty coffee, ok energy.

Mean Bean
Size: 15oz can
Location Acquired: Dalton Convenience, Dalton, PA
Location in Collection: The City
Taste Rating: 7/10
Energy Rating: 3/10
Even though all the Javas are basically just lattes, this one admits it is. This is the regular Java flavor. Energy is ok.

Nut Up
Size: 15oz can
Location Acquired: Lockhart's, South Montrose, PA
Location in Collection: The City
Taste Rating: 7/10
Energy Rating: 3/10
Supposedly this has hazelnut flavor in it; I didn't detect any. Latte, latte, latte. Energy was ok.

Size: 15oz can
Location Acquired: Robinson's Southtown Market, South Montrose, PA
Location in Collection: The City
Taste Rating: 8/10
Energy Rating: 3/10
The second liqueur flavor; this one is delicious. I'm not sure what spirit they are attempted to imitate, but it's good. Energy is ok.

These are unique; they're made effervescent with a combination of nitric oxide and carbon dioxide. There was alot of buzz over whether or not they used nitrous oxide; it's just not possible.

Size: 12oz battery can
Location Acquired: McLanahan's, State College, PA
Location in Collection: The Roomies
Taste Rating: 8/10
Energy Rating: 3/10
I once heard this described as "carbonated Listerine," but I enjoyed it immensely. It was a green apple-like taste, with other elements. Energy was ok.

Size: 12oz battery can
Location Acquired: Convenience store, Great Bend, PA
Location in Collection: The City
Taste Rating: 4/10
Energy Rating: 3/10
I'm not sure what this was supposed to taste like; it tasted like stale champagne to me. Monster has since recalled it to reformulate the taste; I'll re-review it when they re-release it. Energy was ok.

Super Dry
Size: 12oz battery can
Location Acquired: Convenience store, Great Bend, PA
Location in Collection: The City
Taste Rating: 6/10
Energy Rating: 3/10
This wasn't bad; a dry lime flavor that was tasty, while not very refreshing. Energy was ok.

Xpresso Hammer
Size: 6.5oz can
Location Acquired: Hinds Oil Mart, Montrose, PA
Location in Collection: The City
Taste Rating: 6/10
Energy Rating: 4/10
This is sort of Nitrous-meets-espresso; the same nitric oxide effervescence makes for a smoothness that is unique to this drink. Other than that, it's just good espresso. Much better than Starbucks.

Other Items
My collection also contains many other Monster items with variances in size, design, etc..
Please refer to the list to view them.